After about 3 months of learning After Effects I had been feeling like I was still missing sth. there still were things I couldn't done, limits to my imagination due to software capabilities. I had taken a glance at Adobe Dimension, and then I recalled how "swift" Photoshop is at rendering single freakin' image and told myself "screw half measures, it is time to learn some real 3D outside of Adobe's safe space". I've discovered that, unlike in 2D, in 3D there is actually real software competition with quite a few decent options to choose, and this was the first issue, what to choose. Few informative videos later I've decided to learn cinema 4D since it is considered as easiest to learn for 3D noobs like me. First steps were hmm... just like most of first steps are ;). Like make a render of default human figure and then at some point I realized "wait there is key frame button to basically anything (o.O')?!" Wow, it definitely lightened up my neurons. Picture was the first on I've ever keyframed there.
Next I recalled one of my older projects with gears. I just like gears, I thought that it would be cool to animate it. So I had imported curves from illustrator, and reall enjoyed possibility of key frame along any slider there is in C4D. It was like "wow it spins, and it spins some more".
Then I thought it is time to make some basic table and chairs some wall floor glass, and sheet of paper nothing to complicated cause 3D is quite large universe.
After that I had to learn how to model something, extruding out and in. Many people talk that beginners always think that if they can model a chair, they think they can model a spaceship. No, the don't. Try sth smaller like a tire instead of a car. But I'm not the best at listening what I can or can't do and it was before I discovered beveling edges ;) 
Next I've discovered, what subdivision surface, and how to eat it. 20 minutes of tutorial took me about a day to process, but I figured out how symmetry tolerance works about a week from moment I had done most of it. Why it is taking so long? Well, probably beacuse it was a new territory for me.
So I felt I need to practice some more modeling and what can be better to practice than thing you know and remember best? I've made my family home solely from memory, didn't even used any photo to refresh so the roof might be a little different from reality, but the rest turned out quite like in real.
I still needed a lot of practice with modelling, and then I saw some video where some dude recreated his room in blender. "Great!" I thought. I have antoher isprations for at least a month so I did it to. It took about that to model everything you can see below, texture some of my unique belongings and lighten it, but making it in my nooby beginnery way turned out quite cpu intensive, rendering one image took about 2 hours, lots of unnecessary geometry has its costs and still I have no idea how to get rid of this light issues in corners, but the goal was to learn how to make things, not how to optimize them and there it is - how my room would look like if I would clean it every week.
Ok, so I know more or less (probably less) how to make things in Blender. Now it's time to make basic product animation. Looping was needed ‘cause rendering with cinema takes like forever with my outdated PC. In fact, I've discovered that I have a weird fetish - I would loop anything I can, because then I can just gase at it for a half hour celebrating my poor animation.
Holy crap this piece of software can animate the noise! How cool is that?! You may be wondering what the heck is this. Well, that's make two of us.
I don't even know what I'm doing but I like the result despite poor lightning. Oh, so it can be corrected with post process editing? Hello curves my old friends.
Don't know where it came from, but I always, wondered how the chain mail pattern is made, so I had to try to make my own. In PS/AI by itself it is nearly impossible to make it well (believe me I've tried several times a while ago), but with 3D? Damn, hold my beer. Chain mail unnoticeable pattern achieved by C4D -> PS -> AI combination.
Isn't it obvious what it is? Time reset bomb and you can buy it in every reset bomb shop.
God, Cinema might be easy to learn, but rendering takes like ages. Grrrrrr. Making materials is not intuitive at all, I'm still struggling with it. Snapping objects sucks, when you have to make 5 steps instead of one, and to make things faster you have to invest, like 500$ for external render engine, and have Nvidia GPU - not beginner-friendly at all. F C4D maybe it's not so bad idea, since I know basics of the basics to switch software to free blender? Let's take a look. Moving things is painful, navigating is painful, array is nowhere near to cloner, interface is terrible. Nodes. What the heck are nodes? But wait, what is that? Addons? Free freaking addons? How many? Wow there are even more to download? Free materials? How many? What? They giving me teapot for free in addon? Damn Blender made me a junkie! How fast is evee? Wow, now we are talking ;).
Let's make some steel and loop it! 
What? Blender have free addon to make projections from photos? Why I didn't knew this earlier?!
Picture link:
Picture link:
Damn, there are about 10 sites with totally free materials, but I had to find a way to make a single shortcut on my desktop to run them at once! If you're interested here is the code you need to copy to notepad and save as ".bat" file(just change ".txt" to ".bat" when saving):

@echo off
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome
start chrome

Let's make another loop! Empty/null moving on circle, controlling whole this mess… I just love Blender, they bought me free of charge. And then bam! Bloody behance optimization makes it pixelated grrrr. MP4 and h264 doesn’t work properly, maybe bitrate is too high for Behance? Don't know, it is what it is. 720p/1080p? Same issue.
What? There is an addon to make cascade animation faster? How much? What? This is also free? God damn these are spoiled times indeed ;) Commotion if you ask.
Since I'm still a beginner, let's finally make this tire instead of a car.
And sth from tutorial as well.
Everyone needs to do at least one 20h donut tutorial.
COVID everywhere, so are visuals of vaccines and medicines everywhere! Russians made a vaccine, West did it to, so I made one myself. Some people say that syringe can't be a spaceship well... I tend to disagree.
Better version at pinterest:
Cycles are also nice, but you know what would be even better? Coffee toothpaste! I would finally brushed my teeth like before and after every meal, ‘cos I'm not some normal human being - I hate mint and have no idea why everyone just likes it, this world bamboozles me every time. Toothpaste should taste like coffee period.
Wow, I can make procedural HUD? Well this is cool, but what is even cooler, someone even transcribed old well known wiggle loop expression from After Effects to Animation nodes! Is it complicated? Kind of, but once you set a file with it, you can just drop your model set the scene tweak few sliders and hit render and bang you have a seamless loop wiggle like that!
Cascade animation always works well I just love it.
Basic lightning loop, because everything should be a loop.
Some more lights.
Home sweet home.
And this one is from tutorial with video copilot textures.
Sound credit:
Have I mentioned that Blender basically lights up my neurons?
Oh, and my spaceship from C4D was put in Blender, and it flies now.
and it finally has a decent BG
Grass, just grass, what else? Some people waste their whole life for grass, you watching this clip will waste only 12 seconds - good 4 u! Unfortunately I wasted few hours of making it, because grass in Blender have huge memory hunger. 
Music credit: music by Twisterium
And since I've managed to make nice space clouds it would be waste of resources to use it only one time ;)
Music credit:
 Sound credit:
 Big thanks for PixeledAsteroid who made free space HDRI's:
 Volumetrics (space clouds) - this tutorial to about half of it, and my own tweaking:
Inspired by The Expanse series. I would gladly made rocks better, but it already rendered by 6 hours, and I sleep about 7 so maybe some day not with my current PC. Not terrible for 4 months of learning 3D.
3D Jurney

3D Jurney
